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A Touch of Blackberry

What if the only purpose God put you here was to meet one person?

Just THAT one person. That one person God preordained for you to show them Jesus; a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend, a relative, a spouse, a child, a stranger.

What if the entire reason for any of us to be here, was just for that one other person?

I don’t think that is too outlandish to believe.

If most of us aren’t destined for a pulpit or a stage, to have an impact, then what else is left?

One purpose—one person!

Our impact for God’s kingdom isn’t in the grandiose—it’s in the personal-dose.

It’s in the way we can touch just one other person’s life, and leave them a bit of Jesus.


It has been said, don’t let blackberry vines touch the ground—you’ll never get rid of them.

The reason for that, the ends of those vines deposit a very small spore where the vine barely touches the dirt. The vine may move away without effort, but often, the little spores have already been deposited.

I know this firsthand. I have wild blackberries. I have no idea how they arrived. But, they’re multiplying fervently. I’m not mad about it. The summer fruit is wonderful! But that very first micro spore was left behind by something.

Ohhh, if we could be the blackberries of our faith!

To be the loose vines that touch the hardened dirt of our God-less world, just enough to impact softly. Just enough to touch that one person, who only God knows about, and gently leave a spore of Truth behind. A spore that may begin to grow long after we’ve moved on, and produce a faith that touches yet another beyond them.

Friends, the randomness of our contacts with others, isn’t random. It is the very design God has over our lives, to leave Jesus in their lives.

May we continually remember:

It’s in the words, towards others.

It’s in the affect, on others.

It’s what’s left, with others.

May we forever be the blackberry vines of our faith! To always grow, and touch, and leave behind, a small sliver of Jesus with others—perhaps to the very one God moved to us.

One purpose—one person—God’s plan!

"You are my witnesses, declares the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen." Is 43:10


Thank you, dear Father, for giving us a purpose in Your kingdom. Help us be bold in our faith, but soft in our quest. Move those whom you want, towards us, so we can show them You.



"When our lives are filled with peace, faith, and joy, people will want to know what we have."

David Jeremiah


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