How Does Your Garden Grow
A few weeks ago, I did a short video on IG, (click here if you missed it) encouraging others to grow at least one thing; something…anything! Something as simple as sticking a green onion in dirt, which will produce over, and over, and over, again.
I have to tell you, I had some of the best side messages from readers, being inspired on just that one post—telling me what they did, how they did it, how it was going. It was so fun to hear!!
But something else happened.
I had a few messages, that added, “but I don’t have a garden like yours.” And, “you’re so much better at this than I could ever be.”
Those gave me pause.
But, I know we all have our doubts about things in life. We have the dreaded comparisons in just about everything we do.
And, if we’re being honest, we do this is in our faith, too:
“She’s better at it than I am.” “She does more—I can’t come close.”
But in those self-said-words, I want to remind you of some other important words:
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1Peter 4:10
Friends, God has given YOU a unique gift, to serve others and further His kingdom! Not someone else’s, but yours. It is the reason you are here. It is the reason you are still drawing a breath. His kingdom expands, through your gift!
I can’t tell you what yours is, but I have a hunch there’s a nudge within you, that you know what it may be. It’s the vessel, the path, the “thing” that you do, which puts you in other people’s orbit to show them Jesus. (That’s a mouthful!)
May I say, here you are, reading words on a page in my little corner of the internet, chatting about gardens and Jesus; being together with each other, caring and sharing.
To me—that’s God getting it done, the way He wants it done, through whom He wants it done, the way I can get it done—a gift.
And it will be true of you, too.
You were created with a purpose, for His purpose, to be a purpose, with the gift He gave. It may be for a multitude of people, or just one, but it most certainly will involve a soul God sends. What a gift to have!
So let’s ask each other from time to time—how does your garden grow?
Because it doesn’t matter what the other gardens are like—it matters what your garden is like—for His sowing, and His growing, and His showing! Your gift—His way!