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Can We Talk Heaven?

Writer's picture: Renae BowmanRenae Bowman

Can we take a quick break from gardening, and talk about Heaven for a moment?

It seems like a relevant topic for me to chat about, since after-all, I do speak of God, occasionally.

Have you ever been to Alaska? We did a cruise a handful of years ago. Let me tell you, the beauty these eyes of mine saw, is indescribable. They call it the last frontier for a reason. The vastness alone was awe-striking. There is no way I could truly tell you the beauty of that land. If you’ve seen; you know. If you haven’t; you must.

The pic with this post—well, that’s me, spending most of the time out on our balcony, like a crazy woman, freezing my tush off most of the time. But I didn't want to miss a minute of what was there; the whales, the otters, the bears, the eagles, the mountain ranges, the glaciers, icebergs. Just incredible!

Heaven is real. Maybe not in the confines of the great state of Alaska, but certainly in the confines of God’s greatness.

John talked about Heaven in the book of Revelation. So much so that he struggled with the words to describe it! He used terms like gold, emeralds, and crystals—all predicated with, “It was like.”

If I can't describe the beauty of Alaska, and it is beyond gorgeous, how much more can Heaven be through the words of John? Just because something is unexplainable doesn't mean it's not irrefutable.

It’s hard to describe anything to another who hasn’t seen. But at some point, the other has to trust until they see.

We have an endgame friends!

It is eternity, in perfection, with the Perfecter.

It is what our faith in a Savior hinges on.

Jesus talked about it more than any other topic; God’s kingdom—what it means for us, and how to get there. It may not be the “socially correct” thing to talk about, but Jesus said it very clearly:

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” John 14:6

You see, it isn’t just about the description of heaven—it’s also about the how to get to heaven. And that how is through Jesus Christ. If it was up to me, I’d say let’s all go together with no restraints, but it isn’t. Jesus made it very clear—I will give you paradise, IF you give me your heart. A simple choice we have!

It is a question that is as individual as anything in your life:

Is He the One you will follow…or is He the One you'll avoid? It's a big decision that has lasting affects. For what we choose here, matters for our eternity, there. Heaven!

Billy Graham said it best, "Heaven doesn't make this life less important; it makes it more important."

Dear ones, let's live our lives everyday with the horizon of Heaven before us. Let that promised certainty mold and shape everything we do. For when we keep the endgame in mind, we can stand in awe of what is set out before us; instead of shrinking back from what is in front of us. Let's choose not to miss one incredible minute of the greatness that awaits.

Heaven—our compass that sets our earthly walk true north—describable, barely; obtainable, most certainly!


Lord Jesus, remind us of Heaven daily. Remind us what this life points us towards. Fill our hearts with wonderment and awe of the glorious gift that awaits us. And help us to live each moment with Heaven in mind. Thank you precious Jesus!

(If you’re curious about Jesus and this “giving your heart over thing", I’d love to pray with you about it. I’d love to chat with you about it. I’d love to listen to you about it. Send me an email—(click here) it’s private—and let’s go from there. Nothing fancy, nothing pretentious—just a private conversation if you’d like. I’m praying over you right now as you read this!)



"When our lives are filled with peace, faith, and joy, people will want to know what we have."

David Jeremiah


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